How buffs work

Let’s take a look at how boosters and debuffs are applied in Isle Clash - and why they can actually be a game-changer. To begin with, both players apply the following boosters in this mode:

  1. Tree Booster, the power of which depends on the rarity of the Tree Gene. After all the 5 pairs are played, each player must select a pair to boost a CAThlete from their team. It ONLY boosts the most effective stat in a specific clash discipline, such as stamina for the Marathon in the example below.

  2. Building Debuff, with its power varying depending on the rarity of the Building Gene. Similarly each player chooses a card pair where the rival's CAThlete gets debuffed. The building debuff will lower ONLY the most effective stat of your rival's CAThlete for a specific clash discipline (as you remember, it is stamina for the Marathon in our case).

  3. Mysberry Booster: your usual berry booster, determined by the number of Mysberries and CAThletes. Learn more about Mysberry Booster. It is automatically applied to all CAThletes in a team after both players have applied the island buff and debuff. It also boosts only the most effective stat for the competition, stamina for the Marathon in our example.

Let's have a look at buffs and debuff in action by taking one clash as an example. We'll start with the CAThletes’ stats in competing teams before boosters and debuffs. On screenshots of every CAThlete pair below, you'll see them during the booster stage (the very left screenshot) and then clash history (the rest 2 screenshots):

Boosters In Action

Let's examine the booster application mechanics in Isle Clash. Since the clash itself is quite dynamic, lot's of things going on within a limited timeframe, there isn't time to show detailed calculations. Yet it's all recorded in clash history - just click the "View clash details" button (immediately after the Clash is over or tap on the Mysberries/reward transaction details). There you can tap on any CAThlete to find detailed info about how boosters have influenced their most effective stat and CAThleticism (as a result).

In our example, Player 1 has a 20% Mysberry booster, whereas Player 2 has a 30% booster.

The basic principles of booster application are as follows:

  • All boosters ONLY affect the most effective stat in a particular competition (speed for sprint, stamina for marathon, strength for urban run).

  • This stat only gets boosted once - by the total percentage resulting from buffs and/or a debuff, not sequentially. This means that first the booster and/or debuff percentages are aggregated and/or deducted, and then the result is applied to the stat.

First CAThlete Pair

Let's take a look at CAThlete Armakidor:

  • Its initial stamina was 86.2.

  • After applying the Mysberry booster and the rival's debuff, the stamina increased to 92.234.

In this case, stamina increased by 6.034, which accounts for 7% of the initial value. Where did this 7% come from if the player had a 20% Mysberry booster?

Here's how it works:

  • +20% Mysberry Boost plus -13% from the rival's debuff resulted in an overall 7% boost.

Prior to any boosts, Armakidor’s CAThleticism was 239.5 (strength 83.5 + stamina 86.2 + speed 69.8). After all boosters and debuff applied, the CAThleticism score rose to 245.534 (strength 83.5 + stamina 92.234 + speed 69.8).

CAThlete Candour received only the Mysberry boost, as neither the tree booster nor the building debuff were applied.

Its stamina surged from 110 to 143, reflecting a 30% increase (the opponent's Mysberry booster).

Before any boosts, the CAThleticism stood at 247.5 (strength 96.8 + stamina 110 + speed 40.7). After all boosts and debuff applied, it reached 280.5 (strength 96.8 + stamina 143 + speed 40.7).

Second CAThlete Pair

CAThlete Swoiwott only received a Mysberry boost since no tree buff or building debuff were applied.

  • Swoiwott’s stamina increased from 75.6 to 90.72, which represents a 20% Mysberry boost.

Its initial CAThleticism score was 240 (strength 118.8 + stamina 75.6 + speed 45.6), and after all boosters and debuff took action, it became 255.119 (118.8 + stamina 90.72 + speed 40.7).

As for CAThlete Augzwoo, the screenshot above shows that its stamina stood at 104 before boosting. However, after receiving the Mysberry boost and the debuff from the opponent, its stamina increased to 130. In this case, the stat increased by 26, which amounts to 25%:

+30% from the Mysberries and -5% from the opponent's building debuff = total boost of 25%.

The initial CAThleticism score was 226 (strength 57 + stamina 104 + speed 65), and after applying all boosters and debuff, it reached 252 (strength 57 + stamina 130 + speed 65).

Third CAThlete Pair

CAThlete Hifardoco received a Mysberry boost and an island Tree boost. Its stamina increased from 113.4 to 145.152, which accounts for 28%: 20% from Mysberries + 8% from the island booster.

Before boosting, Hifardoco’s CAThleticism was at 259 ( strength 72.8 + stamina 113.4 + speed 72.8 ), and after all boosters applied, it reached 290.752 (strength 72.8 + stamina 145.152 + speed 72.8).

CAThlete Mogedirl only received a Mysberry boost since no Tree booster or Building debuff were applied. CAThlete’s stamina increased from 86 to 111.8, which constitutes a 30% boost.

Before boosting the CAThleticism score was 261 (strength 111.6 + stamina 86 + speed 63.4), and after all boosts and debuff applied, it became 286.799 (strength 111.6 + stamina 111.8 + speed 63.4).

Fourth CAThlete Pair

CAThlete Bitcoin received only a Mysberry boost, as neither Tree booster nor Building debuff were applied. Stamina changed from 31 to 37.2, representing a 20% increase.

The initial CAThleticism score was 240 (strength 132 + stamina 31 + speed 77), and after buffs and debuff applied, it reached 246.2 (strengths 132 + stamina 37.2 + speed 77).

CAThlete Coswee received both Mysberry boost and Tree boost. Its stamina increased from 78 to 108.42, which accounts for a 39% rise: a sum of 30% Mysberry booster and 9% from island's booster.

Prior to boosting, its CAThleticism was 225 (strength 76 + stamina 78 + speed 71), and after all the boosters applied, it reached 255.42 (strength 76 + stamina 108.42 + speed 71).

Fifth CAThlete Pair

CAThlete Neckitte received only a Mysberry boost, as no Tree booster or opponent’s Building debuff were applied. CAThlete’s stamina increased from 72.8 to 87.36, marking a 20% increase.

Its initial CAThleticism stood at 266 (strength 112 + stamina 72.8 + speed 81.2), but after all the boosters took action, it rose to 280.56 (strength 112 + stamina 87.36 + speed 81.2).

CAThlete Espuruffi received just a Mysberry boost as no other booster or debuff were applied. Its stamina increased by 30% from 115.4 to 150.02.

It's CAThleticism was at 278 (strength 53.6 + stamina 115.4 + speed 109), but after all the boosters applied, it rose to 312.62 (strength 53.6 + stamina 150.02 + speed 109).


  • Boosters and a debuff in Isle Clash apply only to the most effective stat for the discipline of a particular clash.

  • The Tree Booster power depends on the rarity of the Tree gene.

  • The Building Debuff power depends on the rarity of the Building gene.

  • To calculate the final buffing or debuffing effect, the formula A + B - C is used*. The stat is boosted by the resulting percentage.

A = Mysberry booster

B = Tree booster

С = opponent’s Building debuff

*the formula is adjusted depending on specific boosters/debuff applied to a particular CAThlete.

Example for Pair 1, CAThlete Armakidor:

A (20%) + B (0%) - C (13%) = 7%

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