βHow do I report an inappropriate or problematic ad?
Problem: When spinning the Wheel of Fortune in the Walken app or playing Walken Runner, you have trouble closing the ad or believe its content to be inappropriate.
To solve this problem, we recommend:
You can report a problematic ad video with the help of the creative debugger by AppLovin. To use it, no extra app or software is required. Simply flip your device screen down twice to turn the debugger, and you'll see a turquoise button at the right side of the screen that will remain there for 5 seconds.
For any further information as well as a video guide on how to activate the debugger, feel free to visit the official guide: https://dash.applovin.com/documentation/mediation/ios/testing-networks/creative-debugger
If you accidentally activate the debugger by double flip of your device screen, don't worry: the button will disappear in 5 seconds, no harm done.
Tap on this button to see a list of recently shown ads. Select the ad you'd like to report from this list and tap on it to view all information about that ad. To submit a report, select the problematic ad and tap the "Report" button which will auto generate a report. Please provide as much information as possible about why you report this ad: whether you didn't get a reward for watching it, or it wouldn't close after play, or you find the content inappropriate, etc. Specify support@walken.io as a recipient and send the email.
The report will be reviewed within 5 working days.
Last updated