Gene Inheritance

The main focus here is the unique set of 6 genes that each CAThlete has: muzzle, arms, body, tail, ears, environment. When 2 CAThletes are bred, the offspring may inherit traits from one of its parents, or get a new one as a result of mutation. This applies to each of the 6 genes: for each gene, there is a chance of taking after one or the other parent, or having a completely new one from mutation.

Rainbow Eyes are not inherited.

Below is the inheritance probability per level table, showing the percentage of possible genetic contribution of each parent as well as mutation:

Mutations rate. There are 5 rarity categories in Walken: common, uncommon, rare, epic, legend.

Mutations can downgrade the rarity of a gene (levels 6-9) or increase it (level 12 - 15).

For levels 6, 7, 8, 9 there is a mutation rate applied that lowers the rarity of the resulting genes inherited by the offspring in case of mutation. At levels 10 and 11, the rarity of the mutating genes is not affected by the mutation rate. For example, the maximum rarity of genes that can be passed down to an offspring by a 6-level rare CAThlete in case of mutation would be common since the -3 mutation rate is applied.

For levels 12-15, there is a mutation rate applied that may increase the rarity of each gene inherited by the offspring. Mind that the upgrading mutation rate does not limit the possible rarity range (like the downgrading one does); it gives chances to get a one-rarity higher (in case of level 12) or up to 2-rarity higher (level 14) gene.

For example, if there's a rare gene for body one parent has on level 15, the offspring may get an epic or even legendary one as a result of upgrading mutation.

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