Genes, Stats & Rarity

A CAThlete is an in-game character that takes part in competitions, can be upgraded and crossbred. The word comes from β€˜cat’ + β€˜athlete’, hinting on both their appearance and running skills. Each CAThlete is generated with a unique set of genes that determine their appearance, stats, and rarity. The values of the stats significantly affect the chance to win in a particular running discipline.

The total sum of a CAThlete's stats + bonus points by the clothes it wears make up CAThleticism, the major parameter for CAThlete classification in PvP. There are 6 genes (body parts) that each CAThlete has:

  • tail;

  • body;

  • ears;

  • environment;

  • color;

  • muzzle.

Each gene is attributed with stats points and has its rarity, which determines the max potential stats of a CAThlete and its rarity. There are 5 rarity categories of CAThletes, genes and NFT items:

  • common;

  • uncommon;

  • rare;

  • epic;

  • legendary.

A CAThlete’s rarity is defined by the highest rarity of its genes.

Rarity affects the energy pool of a CAThlete: rare, epic and legend CAThletes have more energy points than common and uncommon once.

Rarity also affects Energy cooldown time: the higher the rarity of a CAThlete is, the less time it will take to restore 1 energy:

🀍Common - 3 energies; 2 hours per unit;

πŸ’šUncommon - 4 energies; 1 hour 45 minutes per unit;

πŸ’™Rare - 6 energies; 1 hour 30 minutes per unit;

πŸ’œEpic - 8 energies; 1 hour 15 minutes per unit;

🧑Legendary - 12 energies; 1 hour per unit.

Learn more about a special attribute - Rainbow Eyes.

There are three main characteristics or stats that each CAThlete has: strength, speed and stamina. Its set of genes is random and unique, and there are genetically predetermined maximums on stamina, strength and speed.

The stats of a CAThlete grow with each level-up by 10% of their potential maximums. Moreover, items from the Marketplace and Mysberries also boost stats. So there is always room for improvement!

Last updated